Youth Group
Our youth group is in the process of reorganizing at this time. The youth group is designed for fun…and to help our youth grow deeper in their relationship with Christ Jesus, to increase their biblical knowledge, to encounter the power of the Holy Spirit, and to equip them for ministry. For more information please contact Father Lou by phone or email.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes for youth are held periodically. According to the Episcopal Church catechism, “Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” In other words, confirmation is a rite offered by the church for youth (and adults!) to be able to make a public profession of their faith in Jesus Christ and to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Our current program includes a mandatory Youth Alpha course and an optional overnight, as well as other sessions as needed. Confirmations are held either at St. Mary’s or at a regional confirmation service. Please contact Father Lou for additional information on upcoming instruction.
Youth ages 8 and up as well as adults are invited to become acolytes (altar servers). Acolytes assist the priest during the Sunday service in a variety of important ways. For more information, please see Father Lou.